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This page is dedicated to the greatest band ever to take the stage; Pink Floyd. There is just no comparison when it comes to the magical sounds of Gilmour, Waters, Wright and Mason (yes, and Barrett too). I have tried to make this page as great as I possibly could, but I know it doesn't do any justice to the greatness that is Pink Floyd. It was a very cold morning waiting at the bus stop with my brother and some friends when I had my first taste of Pink Floyd. Without even realizing what I was singing, I began telling everyone about how there was this song which read "We don't need know education..." and then began wishing a world without having to wake up early for school, getting on a bus, going to a school where I would only get okay grades just to keep doing the same for the next ten years or so. My brother, soon after, came home one night from the Momentary Lapse of Reason concert in Foxboro, MA. It was then that I began to listen to the music of Pink Floyd! They were great! I would steal my brother's various (though few) tapes and listen all day and night long. I then grew into the CD generation and began buying as much as I could once in college. It was an awakening to good music. No more of this 1980's music where the music didn't make any sense, but rather, the trippy sounds of Pink Floyd. When I say that they are the greatest band in the world, I mean it. From the music to the lyrics to the members to their actions beyond the stage and to the stage itself, they are topped by no other! I only hope that their next album comes out soon. [ What's New * Lyrics * Images * Poll * ROIO * Interviews * Links * Misc. ]
. URL: http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/trance/277/pink/pink2.htmlLast revised: January 18, 1999 A Whispering Lake, Ent. corporation |